Boundary Bay
Conservation Objectives
To conserve what is a critical habitat for year-round, migrating, and wintering waterfowl populations, as well as for some species of fish and marine mammals.
It is prohibited to fish or harvest shellfish for commercial activity in some parts of the area.
Why (environmental context for protection)
Boundary Bay is an important link to the Pacific Flyway, supporting over 1.5 million migrating birds each year. It also acts as a year-round habitat for many species, and, as part of the larger Fraser River estuary, it supports the largest wintering shorebird and waterfowl populations in Canada. Common species include the great blue heron, western sandpiper, northern harrier, and bald eagle. The bay also supports nearly two-thirds of the Fraser River estuary’s Harbour Seal population, and attracts grey and killer whales. Pacific herring and salmonids rely upon the bay for spawning and feeding.